Love triangles stories

Between Two Loves: A Heartbreaking Tale of Friendship and Romance
Love triangles • 8min read

Between Two Loves: A Heartbreaking Tale of Friendship and Romance

The scent of fresh pine filled the air as Alice took her first steps into the dense forest. She was on a mission to find the perfect Christmas tree for her family. The snow had just started falling and she could feel it gently landing on her rosy cheeks. Her boots crunched against the soft snow as she trudged through the wilderness, feeling invigorated by the peacefulness that surrounded her.

Forbidden Love: A Tale of Office Romance
Love triangles • 12min read

Forbidden Love: A Tale of Office Romance

The sun had begun its slow descent, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The air was filled with the sound of rustling leaves and chirping crickets as Maya made her way through the dense forest. She had been on this path countless times before, but today everything seemed different. Maybe it was the eerie silence or the strange feeling that she couldn't shake off--either way, something was off.

Island Love Triangle: Surviving Together and Falling Apart
Love triangles • 8min read

Island Love Triangle: Surviving Together and Falling Apart

The sound of the wind whistled through the trees as darkness descended upon the forest. A young girl, lost and alone in the woods, shivered as she clutched her arms around herself. Her heart raced with fear at every snap of a twig or rustle of leaves behind her. She had tried to retrace her steps, but all she could see was an endless sea of trees towering above her.

Love in Wartime: A Nurses Dilemma
Love triangles • 12min read

Love in Wartime: A Nurses Dilemma

The old abandoned mansion had long been rumored to be cursed, and the townspeople avoided it at all costs. But when Ava, an adventurous teenager with a love for exploring, stumbled upon it during one of her hikes in the woods, she couldn't resist the temptation to investigate. She pushed open the creaky door and stepped inside cautiously. The air was thick with dust and cobwebs hung from every corner like curtains. As she made her way through each room, Ava felt a shiver run down her spine as if someone or something was watching her every move.

Rekindling Old Flames: A Love Triangle Story
Love triangles • 13min read

Rekindling Old Flames: A Love Triangle Story

The world had changed. The once-thriving cities were now barren wastelands, and the survivors had adapted to life in the wilderness. The only constant was fear - fear of the unknown, fear of each other, and most of all, fear of the creatures that roamed the land. These monsters were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before - towering beasts with razor-sharp claws and teeth like knives. But even in this harsh new world, there were those who dared to fight back against the darkness. This is a story about one such group - a ragtag band of warriors on a mission to save humanity from extinction.