Stories tagged #workplacewellness

Putting Mental Health First: The Urgent Need for Workplace Prioritization
Opinion • 10min read

Putting Mental Health First: The Urgent Need for Workplace Prioritization

In recent years, mental health has become a greater topic of discussion in the workplace. The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasized how vital it is for companies to prioritize and take care of their employees’ well-being. As workers face growing workloads, long hours, and often competing demands on personal life, addressing mental health concerns is more important than ever before.

From Burnout to Balance: One Employees Journey to Restoring Work-Life Harmony
Work-Life Balance • 9min read

From Burnout to Balance: One Employees Journey to Restoring Work-Life Harmony

The sun was setting on the small seaside town of Rockport, and the salty ocean breeze filled the air. As I walked down Main Street towards my favorite diner, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. This town held so many memories for me - both good and bad. But today was different; today marked the anniversary of one of the most significant events in my life - an event that would change everything.

The Power of Meditation: Transforming Workplace Wellness
Work-Life Balance • 11min read

The Power of Meditation: Transforming Workplace Wellness

As the sun began to set on the small town, a chill crept into the air. It was then that Sarah realized she wasn't alone in her house. She had heard strange noises before, but they were always dismissed as creaking floorboards or the wind rattling against old shutters. But this time it was different.