Stories tagged #VoterSuppression

Overcoming Voter Suppression: The Story of a Grassroots Campaign
Fight Against Injustice • 11min read

Overcoming Voter Suppression: The Story of a Grassroots Campaign

The sun was setting behind the mountains as Samantha sat on the front porch, rocking back and forth in her old wooden chair. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting the cool mountain air fill her lungs. It had been years since she last visited her childhood home, but it still felt like yesterday. Memories of running through green meadows and chasing fireflies with her brother flooded back to her as she looked out at the rolling hills before her.

Allegations of Voter Suppression Spark Calls for Recounts Across Multiple States
Politics • 9min read

Allegations of Voter Suppression Spark Calls for Recounts Across Multiple States

Several states are facing accusations of voter suppression during the recent election, prompting demands for recounts. With tensions in the political arena rising, allegations have been made in several states including Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. These accusations of voter suppression have led to calls from voters and political leaders alike demanding an accurate recount.