Stories tagged #resilience

A Home for the Heart: A Story of Love, Loss, and Resilience
Second chances • 11min read

A Home for the Heart: A Story of Love, Loss, and Resilience

As the sun began to set on the small town of Millfield, Indiana, a palpable sense of excitement filled the air. The annual fall festival was just hours away and everyone in town had been eagerly anticipating it for weeks. The streets were lined with vendors selling all sorts of goodies from funnel cakes to homemade fudge, while children ran around excitedly clutching brightly colored balloons. For 16-year-old Emma Thompson, this year's festival held an extra dose of anticipation - she was finally old enough to enter her prized pumpkin into the annual pumpkin carving contest.

Rising from the Fall: A Story of Redemption and Success
Second chances • 10min read

Rising from the Fall: A Story of Redemption and Success

The heavy raindrops pounded against the windshield as she drove down the dark, deserted road. She had never been here before, but something drew her to this place - a strange sense of familiarity and foreboding all at once. As she navigated through the winding road, her headlights caught a glimpse of an old, abandoned mansion in the distance.