Stories tagged #PositiveChanges

From Poverty to Advocacy: A Story of Overcoming and Creating Change
Forgiveness and Redemption • 11min read

From Poverty to Advocacy: A Story of Overcoming and Creating Change

The sound of sirens filled the air as I ran down the dark alley, my heart pounding with fear. My hands shook as I clutched onto the stolen purse, knowing that my life would never be the same again. It was a foolish mistake that led me down this path - one that I never thought I would take. But here I am now, a criminal on the run, with only my wits to rely on.

Balancing Act: Navigating Demanding Careers and a New Marriage
Newlyweds Struggle • 8min read

Balancing Act: Navigating Demanding Careers and a New Marriage

It was a bright and warm summer day, the kind of day that makes you feel alive. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and everything seemed to be peaceful. But as soon as she walked into her office building, Jane knew it wasn't going to be an ordinary day. Her boss called her into his office and told her that the company was going through difficult times and they had to lay off some employees - including Jane.

Rising from the Ashes: A Journey to Sobriety and Second Chances
Second chances • 7min read

Rising from the Ashes: A Journey to Sobriety and Second Chances

The sun beat down relentlessly on the barren desert landscape, casting long shadows that stretched out in every direction. The scorching heat made it difficult to breathe and even harder to keep moving, but John had no choice. He was lost in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a few supplies and his own wits to keep him alive. In the distance, he could see something shimmering like a mirage, beckoning him forward with its promise of salvation.