Stories tagged #parentingafteraddiction

From Rock Bottom to Redemption: A Mothers Journey to Regain Custody of Her Children
Second chances • 6min read

From Rock Bottom to Redemption: A Mothers Journey to Regain Custody of Her Children

As the sun rose over the horizon, casting a warm glow on the sleepy town below, Emma sat perched on her front porch, lost in thought. She had always been a dreamer, and as she watched the world wake up around her, she couldn't help but wonder what lay beyond her small corner of it. For years she had felt trapped by the mundane routine of everyday life, longing for something more but never quite sure what that might be.

Rising from the Ashes: A Mothers Journey to Recovery and Redemption
Second chances • 9min read

Rising from the Ashes: A Mothers Journey to Recovery and Redemption

The sky was dark and ominous as the small boat bobbed up and down on the unforgiving waves. The three men onboard huddled together, their eyes fixed on the horizon as they waited for a sign that they were headed in the right direction. They had been rowing for hours, with nothing but an old compass to guide them. Their mission was simple yet dangerous: to retrieve a precious artifact from a long-lost shipwreck deep beneath the ocean's surface.