Stories tagged #OldFlame

Rekindling Old Flames: A Love Triangle Story
Love triangles • 13min read

Rekindling Old Flames: A Love Triangle Story

The world had changed. The once-thriving cities were now barren wastelands, and the survivors had adapted to life in the wilderness. The only constant was fear - fear of the unknown, fear of each other, and most of all, fear of the creatures that roamed the land. These monsters were unlike anything anyone had ever seen before - towering beasts with razor-sharp claws and teeth like knives. But even in this harsh new world, there were those who dared to fight back against the darkness. This is a story about one such group - a ragtag band of warriors on a mission to save humanity from extinction.

Rekindled Flames: A Second Chance at Love
Third Age of Life • 9min read

Rekindled Flames: A Second Chance at Love

The sun had set hours ago, and the only light left now was the moon that shone so bright in the sky. The sound of chirping crickets filled the air as I walked through the dense forest. It was a peaceful night, yet unsettling at the same time. I could sense something was not right; my gut feeling told me to turn back, but my curiosity pushed me forward. As I walked deeper into the woods, strange noises echoed from behind each tree trunk; it felt like they were closing in on me.

The Final Mission of a Retired Spy
Third Age of Life • 8min read

The Final Mission of a Retired Spy

As the sun began to set over the small town, a hush fell over the streets. It was as if everyone was holding their breath, waiting for something to happen. And then it did. A piercing scream shattered the silence and echoed through the empty alleyways. That's when they found her - lifeless and cold on the pavement, a grotesque expression frozen on her face.