Stories tagged #mentalhealthsupport

Beyond Binary: The Intersex Journey of Self-Acceptance
Identity Crisis • 10min read

Beyond Binary: The Intersex Journey of Self-Acceptance

The sun was setting, casting a warm golden glow over the small town of Millfield. The streets were empty, and the only sound was that of crickets chirping in the distance. But inside one of the houses on Main Street, there was chaos. Eleven-year-old Lily had just discovered that her parents were getting divorced, and she didn’t know what to do. All she knew was that her world was falling apart before her very eyes.

Riding Through Adversity: A Story of Connection and Perseverance
Unlikely friendships • 9min read

Riding Through Adversity: A Story of Connection and Perseverance

The sun had just set, and the sky was painted in beautiful hues of orange and pink as Maria walked alone towards her home. She loved this time of day when the world seemed to slow down and everything appeared more peaceful. But tonight was different. Maria could feel it in her bones that something was about to change, something that would turn her life upside down. As she neared her house, she saw a strange car parked outside - one that she didn't recognize.