Stories tagged #medicalmalpractice

Uncovering Truth: A Journey from Medicine to Investigative Journalism
Career Change Challenge • 8min read

Uncovering Truth: A Journey from Medicine to Investigative Journalism

As the sun set over the small town of Millfield, Ohio, sixteen-year-old Lily Jones sat on a bench in the park. She was lost in thought, staring intently at the silver locket she held in her hand. It had been given to her by her mother, who passed away when she was just six years old. Lily had always felt that there was something special about the locket - like it held some sort of secret message or hidden meaning.

Prescribed Corruption: A Nurses Fight Against Medical Malpractice
Medical Malpractice • 10min read

Prescribed Corruption: A Nurses Fight Against Medical Malpractice

The sun had just set on the small hilltop village when a group of travellers arrived. They were weary from their long journey, but their spirits lifted as they beheld the quaint homes and welcoming smiles of the villagers. Among them was a young woman named Lila, whose heart pounded with excitement as she gazed at her new home.

Reckoning: The Surgeons Downfall
Medical Malpractice • 6min read

Reckoning: The Surgeons Downfall

The forest was always considered a mystical and enchanting place, but to the young girl wandering through it, it was just lonely. She had been lost for hours now, her feet aching from walking over rocks and roots. The light was fading fast as the sun began its descent behind the trees. There were no sounds around her except the rustling of leaves in the wind and the occasional twig snapping underfoot.

The Corrupt Practice: An Investigative Journalists Fight Against Fraudulent Surgeries in Local Hospitals
Medical Malpractice • 21min read

The Corrupt Practice: An Investigative Journalists Fight Against Fraudulent Surgeries in Local Hospitals

The sun was setting over the small, rundown town of Redwood. The streets were nearly empty, except for a few stray cats prowling around in search of food. But amidst the quiet surroundings, there was one place that remained lit up - the local library. Inside, a young girl named Lily sat at a table surrounded by books, completely engrossed in what she was reading.