Stories tagged #LiteraryBonding

Love in Wartime: A Nurses Dilemma
Love triangles • 12min read

Love in Wartime: A Nurses Dilemma

The old abandoned mansion had long been rumored to be cursed, and the townspeople avoided it at all costs. But when Ava, an adventurous teenager with a love for exploring, stumbled upon it during one of her hikes in the woods, she couldn't resist the temptation to investigate. She pushed open the creaky door and stepped inside cautiously. The air was thick with dust and cobwebs hung from every corner like curtains. As she made her way through each room, Ava felt a shiver run down her spine as if someone or something was watching her every move.

Caffeine and Literature: A Friendship Formed by Books
Unlikely friendships • 6min read

Caffeine and Literature: A Friendship Formed by Books

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind howled through the trees as rain pounded against the windows. Sarah sat huddled in her chair, wrapped in a blanket, watching the storm rage outside. She had always loved storms, but this one felt different - almost ominous. As she gazed out into the darkness, she suddenly saw a figure emerge from the shadows.