Stories tagged #innocentuntilprovenguilty

Uncovering Injustice: The Lawyer Who Fought for Truth
Crime Mystery • 18min read

Uncovering Injustice: The Lawyer Who Fought for Truth

It was a dark and stormy night, the kind of night that sent shivers down your spine. The power had gone out hours ago and the silence was only broken by the sound of rain tapping against the windows. You were sitting in your living room, sipping on a cup of tea when you heard a knock at the door. You weren't expecting anyone so late at night but curiosity got the better of you and you made your way to answer it.

Justice Warriors: Fighting for the Innocent
Fight Against Injustice • 14min read

Justice Warriors: Fighting for the Innocent

The sun was setting over the small town, casting a warm orange glow across the fields. People were wrapping up their work for the day and heading home to their families. But not everyone was going home. As darkness fell, strange noises echoed through the streets and unexplained things began to happen. The townspeople whispered about ghosts and curses, but nobody dared investigate until a team of paranormal investigators arrived.