Stories tagged #InfiltrationTactics

Resistance: Overthrowing a Corrupt Regime
Political Intrigue • 12min read

Resistance: Overthrowing a Corrupt Regime

The first time we met, she was running away from her problems. The second time, she was still running. It wasn't until the third encounter that I realized there was no escaping her past. But as I got to know her better, I began to see that maybe it wasn't just her past that she was trying to leave behind - it was herself.

Corporate Sabotage: The Revenge of a Wrongfully Terminated Employee
Workplace Drama • 10min read

Corporate Sabotage: The Revenge of a Wrongfully Terminated Employee

The sun had set over the horizon, and an eerie silence had taken over the night. The only sounds were those of crickets chirping in the distance and leaves rustling underfoot as he made his way down the deserted street. As he walked, his eyes darted around nervously, scanning for any signs of danger. Someone was watching him.