Stories tagged #FreshStart

From Hurricane to Entrepreneur: A Familys Journey Towards Resilience
Second chances • 12min read

From Hurricane to Entrepreneur: A Familys Journey Towards Resilience

The sun was setting on the horizon as Sarah stepped off the plane onto unfamiliar soil. She looked around, taking in her surroundings with a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was it; she had finally done it. She had left behind everything she knew to start anew in a foreign land. It wasn't easy, but she was determined to make this work - this was her chance at a fresh start.

From Riches to Teaching: A Journey of Purpose
Second chances • 9min read

From Riches to Teaching: A Journey of Purpose

It was the summer of 1985, and the small town of Millfield was buzzing with excitement for its annual fair. Everyone in town looked forward to it as a time to come together, have fun, and forget about their worries for a little while. But this year's fair was different - there were whispers of something strange happening on the outskirts of town.

Silent Identity: A Witness Journey Through the Witness Protection Program
Witness Protection Program • 13min read

Silent Identity: A Witness Journey Through the Witness Protection Program

The sun was beating down on the deserted highway, the heat shimmering off the asphalt like a mirage. Samantha had been driving for hours with nothing but empty desert surrounding her. She felt a sense of unease creeping up on her as she glanced at her gas gauge, hovering precariously close to empty. The last town she'd passed through had been hours ago and there wasn't another one in sight. Just when she thought all hope was lost, she spotted a sign up ahead - "Welcome to Silent Valley".