Stories tagged #escapeplan

Lost in the Wilderness: Uncovering Secrets of the Abandoned Cabin
Lost and Found • 13min read

Lost in the Wilderness: Uncovering Secrets of the Abandoned Cabin

The world was in chaos. The skies were always grey, and a thick fog clung to everything like a shroud. Buildings crumbled as the ground shook beneath them, and people huddled together for fear of being taken by whatever dark force lurked outside their doors. But in the midst of all this destruction, there was one beacon of hope: a young girl with eyes of gold and hair that shimmered like starlight.

Message in a Bottle: The Journey to Find the Author
Lost and Found • 11min read

Message in a Bottle: The Journey to Find the Author

The sun was setting on a typical evening in the small town of Millfield, but little did anyone know that this night would be far from ordinary. A group of teenagers had gathered in the abandoned house at the end of Park Street for their weekly game night. They had chosen this spot because it was far from prying eyes and any interruptions. The old house was rumored to be haunted, which only added to the thrill of sneaking around inside its walls. However, as they began to play their favorite board game, strange things started happening; objects were moving on their own and doors creaked open without reason.

Deceived: The Dark Side of Modeling Agencies
Modern Day Slavery • 16min read

Deceived: The Dark Side of Modeling Agencies

The sun had set over the small, sleepy town of Millfield, casting a crimson glow across the sky. The streets were empty, and the only sound that could be heard was the distant hoot of an owl in the nearby woods. But inside one of the old Victorian houses on Maple Street, a young woman named Alice sat alone at her desk, poring over a stack of old photographs. She had always been fascinated by history and loved nothing more than delving into old stories and forgotten memories. And as she looked through these pictures, something caught her eye – a strange symbol that appeared again and again in each photograph.