Stories tagged #empathyinaction

Professor Launches Kindness Initiative, Offers Extra Credit for Good Deeds
Education • 7min read

Professor Launches Kindness Initiative, Offers Extra Credit for Good Deeds

A college professor is encouraging a culture of kindness in his classroom by offering extra credit for acts of compassion towards classmates. This innovative program has gained popularity among students and started to spread across other departments on campus. The goal is to promote empathy in the classroom, create a positive environment, and encourage academic success through small acts of kindness.

Unexpected Encounter: Bridging the Gap Through Friendship
Unlikely friendships • 10min read

Unexpected Encounter: Bridging the Gap Through Friendship

The sun was setting over the rolling hills, casting long shadows across the empty dirt road. In the distance, a figure could be seen walking towards town, their silhouette barely visible against the orange and red sky. As they drew closer, it became clear that this was no ordinary traveler. Their clothes were tattered and worn, their face covered by a scarf to shield them from the dust of the desert.