Stories tagged #EcoFriendlyLiving

Global Crisis: Plastic Pollution Threatens Oceans and Marine Life
Environment • 7min read

Global Crisis: Plastic Pollution Threatens Oceans and Marine Life

The issue of plastic pollution in oceans around the world has reached an alarming level. The amount of plastic waste seen littering our beaches and shores is just a small fraction compared to what's floating out there in the open waters. Recent studies and reports have shown that the situation is worse than previously thought, spelling trouble for marine life and ecosystems that depend on them.

Living Sustainably: Practical Tips for a Greener Lifestyle
Lifestyle • 10min read

Living Sustainably: Practical Tips for a Greener Lifestyle

In recent years, there has been an increase in awareness and concern for the environment. With climate change becoming more pressing, people are starting to realize the importance of taking action to reduce their carbon footprint. Sustainable living is a lifestyle that promotes environmental consciousness by making choices that minimize harm to the planet.