Stories tagged #diversityandinclusion

The Whistleblower: Fighting Discrimination in the Corporate World
Fight Against Injustice • 9min read

The Whistleblower: Fighting Discrimination in the Corporate World

The world was in chaos. The once-beautiful skies were now gray and polluted, the seas were filled with garbage, and the forests that were once lush and green had turned into barren wastelands. Most of humanity huddled in overcrowded cities, struggling to survive amidst the ruins of their former civilization. But a small group of rebels refused to give up hope.

Journey to Self-Love: How One Woman Sparked a Global Movement
Lifestyle • 10min read

Journey to Self-Love: How One Woman Sparked a Global Movement

Maya had always struggled with self-love. Growing up in a working-class family, she often felt like she wasn't good enough and didn't fit in with her peers. But after years of therapy, introspection, and personal growth, Maya realized that self-love was not only possible but necessary for true happiness.

The Urgent Need for Discussing Systemic Racism in Education
Opinion • 8min read

The Urgent Need for Discussing Systemic Racism in Education

Education is supposed to be an equalizer, but in reality, it perpetuates racial inequalities from generation to generation. Systemic racism exists not only in our criminal justice system or political institutions but also within our educational system.

Boundaries Tested: Secrets and Conflicts in a Close-Knit Team
Workplace Drama • 18min read

Boundaries Tested: Secrets and Conflicts in a Close-Knit Team

The sky was a deep shade of crimson as the sun began to set over the rugged mountains. Emma had been hiking for hours, and her legs were beginning to ache. She paused for a moment to catch her breath and take in the view. It was then that she noticed something strange - there was an old abandoned cabin nestled among the trees up ahead.