Stories tagged #CyberAttack

Major Corporation Rocked by Devastating Cyber Attack
Business • 10min read

Major Corporation Rocked by Devastating Cyber Attack

A major corporation in New York City was recently rocked by a massive cyber attack that left its network compromised and sensitive data at risk. The attack, believed to have been orchestrated by a foreign hacker group with ties to organized crime, has sent shockwaves through the industry and raised concerns about cybersecurity vulnerabilities.

Underworld: The Hacker and the Mob Boss
Revenge Plot • 9min read

Underworld: The Hacker and the Mob Boss

The sun had set, and the air was crisp with the chill of winter. As I walked down the deserted street, my footsteps echoed in the silence. I felt like I was being watched; something wasn't right. Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows - someone I never expected to see again.